A rich data infrastructure to deliver unparalleled analytic insights

Air quality​
Land use​
Foot traffic
Nighttime lights
Thermal imagery​

Flood risk & monitoring
Hurricane risk
Hurricane modeling
Fire risk
​Soil moisture​
Soil salinity​

Water quality
Conflict monitoring
Crop yield
Vegetation health
Building materials​

Object recognition
Change detection
Oil & gas supply
Weather monitoring
Methane leaks
LIDAR 3D point cloud​

Optimize risk exposure across portfolios

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Leverage geospatial intelligence and AI to detects regional risk imbalances, and achieve profitability with clear, actionable insights.

Geospatial risk mapping

Create detailed risk maps using geospatial intelligence to visualize risk exposure environmental hazards and socio-economic conditions.

Portfolio monitoring

Continuously analyze property conditions, surrounding environment and change in risk profiles.

Growth opportunities

Expand coverage in low-risk, under-served regions or property types.

Outlier detection

Identify and adjust under-insured or over-insured properties for optimal coverage.

Proactive adjustments

Leverage real-time risk analytics to reallocate resources, adjusting premiums, or revise coverage terms.

Reduce property-specific risks

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Neural Earth assesses property risks and opportunities within a portfolio, providing accurate, current risk profiles for precise underwriting and continual monitoring.

High-precision risk assessment

Use geospatial analytics to assess flood and fire risks at a granular level.

Underwriting support

Provide tooling and APIs to ingest risk analytics for intelligent policy terms and pricing arbitrage.

Environmental hazard mapping

Assess environmental conditions and hazard risks like pollution, infrastructure, and crime for individual properties.

Structural vulnerability analysis

Use advanced remote sensing to assess building integrity and identify high-risk properties.

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Risk scoring at scale

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Integrating decades of historical data and real-time information, Neural Earth’s predictive models use historical and real-time data to forecast trends and future risks, enhancing risk assessment and management.

Advanced predictive models

Use historical data and property characteristics to predict future claims likelihood and severity.

Time series analysis

Enhance your decision making with trends, patterns, and evolving risks to predict future claims and their potential impact.

Proactive risk management

Implement proactive strategies like targeted inspections, risk mitigation advice, and adjusted coverage based on predicted risks.

Risk scoring

Get comprehensive risk scores for properties and portfolios that reflect the impact of combined risk factors.

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Demo request / Partnership inquiries

Leverage AI to identify risks in near real time

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